robotspacer’s adventure corner

Current Schedule

Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill

Starts Tuesday, February 11 at 9:30 PM EST

Let’s boot up Windows 98 and check out the first Nancy Drew game from Her Interactive, Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill, based on the book of the same name. “Nancy’s visit to Aunt Eloise in Florida throws her into the midst of a new case,” the back of the box explains. “Secrets Can Kill challenges you to solve a murder as you play the role of that famous teen detective, Nancy Drew! You are hot on the trail of a cunning criminal and it will take a clever mind to crack the case. Accept the ultimate challenge and solve the mystery… if you dare!”


Starts Friday, February 14 at 9:30 PM EST

I’m going to play Loom. Ask me about it! I’ll be playing the Macintosh version of course, which uses the original graphics from the EGA version, along with a nice high resolution font. I have a copy of the recent Limited Run Games re-release of the PC version, which has some nice extras, including the 30-minute audio drama on compact disc. I also accidentally bought a second copy of this release, and I don’t have room for two of them, so I’ll be giving one away. (I’ll share details about the giveaway soon.)