robotspacer’s adventure corner

Current Schedule

Déjà Vu: Nintendo Edition

Starts Tuesday, July 30 at 9 PM EDT

Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!! is the first game in the MacVenture series from ICOM Simulations. It was released in 1985 for Mac, making it among the earliest point-and-click adventure games. In 1990 it was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System by Kemco. Even though it was the first MacVenture game, it was the last one brought to the NES.

I enjoyed the original Mac version of this game, and I’m incredibly curious what changes were made to bring it to the NES. There’s quite a bit here that Nintendo might have objected to. I’m also looking forward to the soundtrack, since the Mac versions of these games are so quiet.

The Zen of Kayaking

Continues Friday, August 2 at 9 PM EDT

I’m taking a brief break from painting to enjoy The Zen of Kayaking, a new text adventure game from pixel_turkey and gamedevjeff. It was inspired by Infocom’s Hollywood Hi-Jinx and written using Inform. I’m playing the game in a particularly me way: using Infocom’s own interpreter on classic Mac OS.