robotspacer’s adventure corner


Enclosure 3-D

Streamed from May 30 to June 6, 2023

In 2004, Femo Duo Entertainment (Chris “Joker” Femo and HwM) released Enclosure, a horror adventure game created using Sierra’s AGI game engine. In 2022, mausimus remastered the game, giving it a unique 3D look that subtly shifts perspective as you move around each scene.

You play as Mike Goodman, recruited to join a group investigating strange activity at an arctic base. Things get out of hand quickly. In an interview with AGS Ezine, Chris Femo said the game was inspired in part by The Colonel’s Bequest, but surprisingly not John Carpenter’s The Thing.

Part 1

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

After finishing the Hugo Trilogy, I check out the first half of Enclosure 3-D by Femo Duo Entertainment and mausimus.

Part 2 (with bonus Warp Cinema)

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

It’s time for the conclusion of Enclosure 3-D by Femo Duo Entertainment and mausimus! I’m positive nothing bad is going to happen. Afterward I check out Warp Cinema by Cosmic Void.